
Thebrain organize thoughts
Thebrain organize thoughts

thebrain organize thoughts

  • It gives you the opportunity to really discover whether or not you’re having some bias.
  • These questions can really be helpful in deciding what you’re going to keep and what you’re going to throw away.
  • It gives you the opportunity to ask yourself some questions.
  • It clarifies what you’re really thinking because you’re only writing down the most important things. When you take notes on what’s going on in your brain, you have to make sense of things and write in a way that highlights the most important things.

    thebrain organize thoughts

    When you physically write, you’re slowing your brain down. Your brain is always going to outpace your writing.

  • It allows you to synthesize and clarify your thinking.
  • Sure, you could type it, but I would love you to write it down with a pen because it makes you go even slower and you can pause and reflect versus react and regret. Sometimes people ask me if they can type this brain dump. Writing things down with a pen and a paper makes you go slower than typing it.
  • It requires you to slow down and decide if you like that story.
  • This brings us to the next reason why doing this is important work. When you dump out your thoughts onto paper, it gives you the opportunity to pause and evaluate and reflect versus react and regret. And this story can become a big problem when every little thing becomes a problem. If we don’t eavesdrop on what’s going on in your brain, then all these thoughts, they become the story of your life.

    thebrain organize thoughts

    It gives you a little picture of what’s really going on in there.

  • It’s an opportunity for you to observe your life to kind of eavesdrop on your own life.
  • But you can ask yourself, though, “do I want to keep it?” Is keeping that thought going to help you? Is it going to help you move forward? And just like when we clean out a closet, you have a choice: you can donate or give it away so you can be open to believing something new, just like you can be open to putting something new in your closet. That’s okay! No need to correct them – it’s normal to have all of these thoughts. You may see frustration or annoyance written down. And, it’s normal to have thoughts come out that you don’t like. When you do this, you’re going to see what’s going on in there what’s preventing you from being able to move forward. Write without any judgment and don’t even evaluate what you write as you’re writing. Thought work begins by developing the habit of writing things down, of emptying out your brain on paper, just like you’re emptying out the closet. So think about this as organizing your brain. I want to help you take that “brain dump” to the next level and make it more intentional, more self-aware and help you decide what you are going to keep and what you are going to throw out. Maybe you’ve even decided that this is the year that you are going to journal, declutter your thoughts, be more intentional, organize everything – including your brain. You’ve probably heard of a “brain dump.” You know, taking all of those thoughts that are cluttering your brain up and getting them down on paper.

    Thebrain organize thoughts